Back to planet work in Belgium

Why is it always so hard to settle down again after a good vacation? (oh that last one was a pleonasm I think ;-) ). I came home from India on Monday evening after a great trip full of new impressions. I promise I'll write more about them as soon as possible.

Yesterday morning I had a hard time realising I had to hurry up in the morning and that I had to go to work. Somehow it didn't want to hit me that I couldn't just show up whenever at work so I gooffed around in the morning trying to remember what things I have to take to work...hmm yeah taking my laptop might come in handy.

This week is actually the first nice week here in Belgium with a lot of sunshine and rising temperatures. I had to drive south on the highway and get some gas on the way. I truly had the feeling I was on my way for another vacation to France and that I would be picnicing along the highway at lunchtime and reading my book in the grass. Usually when I come back from vacation, the fact of being back in Belgium and its traffic and the busy cities makes me realise very quickly that vacation is over. This time I kept on in this vacation bubble feeling as if I was back a school kid and that vacation would last another 2 months or something even after we had been away abroad.

I tried hard to read my long list of unread emails from inside my vacation bubble feeling, but after a couple of hours of e-mail readings it was slowly fading away. Today I already had my first stress attack when I finally realised that there has appeared a backlog in work during my absence. My boss has been following up a little on the progressment but not in enough detail to notice that they were not doing enough and were waiting for my return to ask questions that they could have asked him as well. Booohoooooooooooo, why is leaving on vacation and coming back always so stressfull? It's not fair.

Maybe it's an illusion but I do want to try to work less long than on the last platform and to get more sleep than before. Looking back at February and March, I was simply tooo stressed, too tired, tooo grumpy, tooo much of a zombie at some times. I don't want to do that again for the next coming months. I just fear that I will have no choice since there is still so much work and first deadlines next week. Auwwww. Bubble of vacation feeling is already far far away!


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