Made in Belgium: Yevgueni

Before anyone starts doubting that there's also dutch speaking musicians in Belgium, it is now time to present a Flemish group in Made in Belgium.

The members of Yevgueni met each other at the university of Leuven and formed the group for an inter faculty song festival at the beginning of this century. They bring what we call in Dutch 'kleinkunst' (="little art" : more intimate performances in Dutch, with a lot of attention to the (more poetic) lyrics, influenced by caberet and musical genres).

Yevgueni participated in some music contests and were winning prices right away, catching the attention of the media. Over the last years their name became a common sight on festival billboards. Here's some of their catchy songs....

Nieuwe meisjes
About new girls appearing in spring , happy, catchy , pretending not to see him
Where do these new girls come from? Watch them go

Als ze lacht -
About a girl whose smile brings out the sun


rozebril said…
Tiens, die kende ik nog niet.
wist je dat je bij de Humo de komende weken een bon hebt voor cd's met alleen Belgische nummers. Er staan echt goei dingen tussen.
Brian Miller said…
ok, could not understand a word...but catchy is a great was to describe it...he has an easy voice as well...
Betsy said…
Wow, leuk! Heb nooit van ze gehoord, maar vind het muziek tof! Ga'ns kijken of ze op iTunes Deutschland te vinden zijn...
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