Who keeps blogging after all?

Since a few weeks I manage to keep my feedreader empty...quite an achievement since I'm usually a few hundred posts/ months behind in reading...which I then try to catch up in waves. You'll notice when I'm in my catch up exercise on your particular blog with a wave of comments as I like to let you know that I came by and that I appreciated your posts   (hint: I also love it when people let me know when they came by here).

But I must say that a lot of you are making this empty reading list quite easy for me.  Blogging is not trendy anymore, most of you gave up and I miss being up to date with your lives :(.  If some blogs are kept up to date with high frequency I must say it are usually the Belgian ones in my list.   I recently also noticed a tiny bit of revival   ....Lots of readers and lovers of Lillith's new blogbook apparently can inspire some for new inspiration.  Or others consider a restart after a long silence.   I really hope this is a trend that comes true, as sometimes I feel a bit lonely here in this dinosaur blogland.  It's not really that I am without readers:   despite the lack of comments here, I do get some likes and comments on FB now and then where I stream my posts to my FB friends.  But most 'blogfriends' that I got to know purely via blogreading seem more and more absent and I wonder how they are doing.

For me blogging is entirely different from rest from social media as it allows more lengthy posts, and journalling that isn't as ephimeral as the whimsical attention spans of social media.  Or as Bnox quotes "The things that will last on the internet are not owned."   

So I had a look at my blogroll here on the right. It's still got a lot of plants with dried old leafs only, so it needs some cleaning.   I'll keep the original list here as a reference and will later on update a bit with the actual list that I do track on feedly.

Conclusion: mainly the Belgian blogs keep going (also those that I added later on in my list and keep reading) whereas most foreign blogs stopped.  Are they more 'hype' sensitive?? it's a pity, no?


yab said…
yab was here!
Goofball said…
@Yab: super :)
zusjesenzo said…
zusjesenzo was hier :-).
Goofball said…
@zusjesenzo: joepieeee....en ga je blijven bloggen???

en gaan we nog eens iets gaan drinken?
Brian Miller said…
hey you...smiles...i am back...i am still getting my blog legs back under me...i will pop in tonight and catch up with you...see what your fam and the kabouter have been up to...ha...i miss everyone when i am away...

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