Late New Years' visit to Beertjes godmother

We had not found time until previous weekend to visit Beertje's godmother, my sister-in-law to wish her a happy New Year.  Fortunately Beertje does not have to memorise a New Year's letter yet that he could forget so the delay wasn't so important.  My sister-in-law runs a succesfull bakery so the early year is a very busy period for her  (but who am I kidding: our agenda was rather full as well). 

Anyway, I arrived a bit after Jan and the children (due to my reunion with my old friend) but then I could join the rest of the family to have some food, to distribute some presents and to play with the children. 

It's great because the 3 youngest boys in our family don't have a big age difference so they can play together rather well.  Beertje and his cousin concentrated on "cooking" for us and using some power tools to fix imaginary things with the help of their older brother. Kabouter, as usual, was a bit less interested in the role playing games and reverted back to racing cars around.


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